Friday, May 25, 2012


Hello all!
After listening to the relaxation exercise on the unit 2 post I was really amazed at the difference in my attitude and bearing on life in general.  I was very tense and anxious over this blog thing and after listening to the lesson I was able to clearly focus and rid myself of anxiety.  I need to make this a daily habit like the chapter on the olympic mind suggested.  It is amazing what just a few minutes and the power of positive suggestion can do:D 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tammy,
    I thought this exercise was a perfect way to show us how we have the power - right now, without any special training - to directly influence the state of our minds and bodies. I knew in theory the extent to which our state of mind affects our health, and I'd heard of yogis slowing their heart rates, etc., but I honestly didn't know that we could all take control of something as tangible as our blood flow, in the here and now. I was amazed - and excited - to ponder what this implies!

    I don't know if you've watched the video accompanying our text book yet, but I watched it last night, and it was wonderful. I am so glad I am taking this course - it's giving me just what I need, at just the right time.

    Glad you found the exercise as relaxing as I did! :-)

