Monday, July 16, 2012

Unit 10 last blog

1.Review your unit 3 personal assessment of your psychological, physical, and spiritual well-being. Reflect on these areas . How did you score yourself on a scale from 1 to 10 in unit 3? How do you score yourself now? Has the score changed? Why or why not?

These are my scores from unit 3 and why:

Based on my reflection I would rate my physical wellbeing a 6 out of 10.  I do this because I have diabetes and high blood pressure.  They are very well controlled but I am still obese and have a tendency to eat for the sake of eating.  I would rate my spiritual wellbeing a 5 out of 10.  I do this because we are in between churches at the moment and I am not satisfied with where I am spiritually.  I do not believe there is a completely right religion.  I believe in God but I think man has skewed some of the writings to his favor at different points in history.  I also feel that I need to connect more with my inner self and find my center.  Find more of my inner peace.  This is related to my stress level.  I rate my psychological well-being at a 5 out of 10 at the moment related to stress with my ex-husband over my middle and oldest children.  I am trying to let things slide off my back but when it comes to my children I am very protective and things get to me more than they should.  If it were not for the graduation, I do not think I would be so wound tight.  My husband has been great and very supportive.

Now, I would rate my physical well being at a 6.5 because I am having a rough time with my arthritis and the herniated discs in my neck, but it is controllable but my diabetes and blood pressure well controlled.  I am eating better now as well. I have changed my diet, eating more fruit and veggies.  My spiritual well-being is a 7 out of 10.  I am reading the bible more and  watching a favored pastor from Houston on tv.  I have gotten a lot out of it.  I rate my psychological well being at a 7 after this class I have learned to deal with my issues and meditate to clear my head and find a better way to deal with things using Dachers teachings.

2.Review the goals and activities you set for yourself in each area. Have you made progress toward the goals? Explain.

I have increased my exercised more taking my dogs for a walk and my daughter is helping with the dinner plans, which takes the pressure off of me.  I have taken time to meditate and find my inner self and balance my chi.    My spouse and myself have taken more time off to smell the roses and away from the house fishing, boating, and just have fun.  It has been great.

3.Have you implemented the activities you chose for your well-being in each of the three areas? Explain.

I have been fishing, boating, walking, playing with the dogs.  I have been playing with the kids outside and challenge them to a game of dancing games on the wii.  My gosh, I haven’t had this much fun in years.  I have been teaching my kids to cook to be able to care for themselves and carry on some of the family recipes and spend time together.  This has been a good series of exercises to build my mind , body and spirit.

4.Summarize your personal experience throughout this course. Have you developed improved well-being? What has been rewarding? What has been difficult? How will this experience improve your ability to assist others?

My personal experience has been a good one.  I have learned to delve into my inner self and find peace and tranquility.  The most rewarding has been  It has improved my relationship with my family and work relations.  I am able to relate much of my teachings to my job and help my patients.  I am able to help patients deal with chronic pain with imagery and meditation.  I have been able to help others with better food choices.  It has been a win- win for all.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Unit 9 Project

  1. Introduction:
    Why is it important for health and wellness professionals to develop psychologically, spiritually and physically? What areas do you need to develop to achieve the goals you have for yourself?
It is important for professionals to develop, because if we are not spiritually, physiologically, or physically healthy we cannot help others.  If the practitioner if not healthy in any one of these areas how can they be expected to guide other people to wellness.  The areas that I personally need to develop are all three areas. I need to manage my diet to be physically healthier.  I have had spiritual gaps and need guidance from my pastor to close those gaps.  Psychologically I need to develop my meditation in order to find inner peace.

  1. Assessment:
    How have you assessed your health in each domain? How do you score your wellness spiritually, physically, and psychologically?
I would rate my physically wellbeing at a 7 out of 10. I am aware of my choices and am seeking to make better diet choices as well as making a work out plan with my daughter.  Spiritually I would rate myself at a 7 out of 10.  I have identified my gaps and am seeking out spiritual counseling to close those gaps. Psychologically I would rate myself at a 8 out of 10.  I have amazed myself with actually accomplishing a form of meditation and will continue to practice to improve my skills.

  1. Goal development:
    List at least one goal you have for yourself in each area, Physical, Psychological (mental health) and Spiritual.
Physical: I want to make better choices in my diet and lose 20lbs to lose my physical health and decrease the amount of medicines I have to take on a daily basis.
Psychological: I want to practice meditation daily to increase my skills and a form of inner quiet and peace.
Spiritual: I want to find a signal church to go to.

  1. Practices for personal health:
    What strategies can you implement to foster growth in each of the following domains; Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual. Provide at least two examples of exercises or practices in each domain. Explain how you will implement each example.
Physical: I want to increase my intake of fruits and vegetables and decrease my intake of carbs. Example would be having a piece of fruit between breakfast and lunch, and an extra serving of vegetables by having a V8 juice drink between lunch and dinner.  An example of an exercise would be walking my dogs each evening for thirty minutes.
Psychological: My strategy to foster growth would be practicing meditation daily for at least 15 to 30 minutes in a quite area such as the park next to the water bank while listening to classical music.  Another example would be doing Tai Chi next to the lake as well.
Spiritual: My strategy is to seek out various churches in order to find one church that meets my spiritual needs.  An example would be to attend a different church and meet with each pastor.  An exercise to choose and clear my head would be to do yoga or polities to relax my mind and body before attending church.

  1. Commitment:
    How will you assess your progress or lack of progress in the next six months? What strategies can you use to assist in maintaining your long-term practices for health and wellness?
To track my progress I will make a tracking chart and place it on my computer and log choices in food, exercise, and attendance to church each day/week/month. And I will check my progress at the end of each month and total my progress at the end of the six months.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Unit 8
My favorite blogs have been in unit 3 when taking an inventory of how I felt and why then in unit 7 when I was able to put a face to my meditation and and feel my self relax.  It was a great feeling and i hope to continue on.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


The Mp3 exercise was very interesting.  I found that it was easier to follow than any other thus far.  I could visualize a mentor better than any other thing I have tried.  I kind of have given it the face a mix of Merlin, Moses, and Charleton Heston, go figure.  I gave a face to my meditation and that was what made it easy.

Using the phrase: "One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself"

It reminds me of educating patients as a nurse only to find them back in the ER soon after because they were noncompliant with the teachings or medication regimen.  This could be said of being a nurse and keeping up with the continuing education.  Although it is a part of our licensure many try to slack off and get by.  I keep up with mine through going back to college but many try to get by not doing it.
You have to want to keep up and do the things you should because no one can make you.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Unit 6 exercise

Describe the exercise and assessment process.

The exercise made me feel good all over.  I realize I do this for a living at work as a nurse I practice this without trying.  This reminds me of reciting the Rosary to myself during times of need and despair. I really liked it.

The assessment was a little more difficult.  I had to search my soul for the problemsin my life and how they relate to my health.  I found that I am an emotional eater which adds to my obesity.  Which adds to my  health issues of Diabetes and high blood pressure.  Whuich adds to my displeasure with myself and so on.  I eat when I am sad or happy.  When I have had major problems I do not eat at all then my diabetes kicks up.  I am dissatisfied with the way I look and my self esteem sucks.

 What did you discover about yourself?

I discovered I am a mess and need to straighten out my thought processes and get it together.  I normally present a very self assured front that is well knowledgeable and stable.  I wonder how much of that is denial about how much I want to hide.

What area have you chosen to be a focus of growth and development? Why?

I have chosen to focus on my mind and body development.  Exercise with my daughter now that she is here and have her help me with exercises to clear my mind.  Together I can conquer my issues.

What are some specific exercises or activities that you can implement to foster greater wellness in this area?  I want to start walking at the lake with my daughter and my dog in the morning or evening.  I want to swim and do palates to integrate mind exercises and stretching.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

1.Compare and contrast the Loving Kindness exercise and the Subtle mind exercise. Explain your experience including the benefits, frustrations etc.

I like the subtle more because it was just that subtle.  I didn’t feel like I had to focus too much on any one thing.  Where as with the loving kindness exercise, I had to focus on absorbing the negative of others. 

2.Discuss the connection of the spiritual wellness to mental and physical wellness. Explain how the connection is manifested in your personal life.

I find that when I am physically or mentally low, I turn to my religious upbringing for peace and calm.  Going through the prayers and repeating the rosary is a healing balm at times.  I find if I attend church on a regular basis it seems to help even out my mind and in turn my body(health).  When my mind and health are good I tend to forget about the spiritual.  I don’t know why that happens or maybe could it be that the spiritual is taken care of if the mind and body are healthy?  I think so.

Friday, June 8, 2012

1.Describe your experience. Did you find it beneficial? Difficult? Why or why not? Would you recommend this to others? Why or why not?

I felt relaxed related to the voice on the mp3.  I tried using my daughter but she is easily distracted and joked the whole time.  I tried my son who is younger and it worked better.  My son is very giving and not to a stage of judgmental that other kids his age are.  I received a very warmth feeling from this exercise. 

I read quite a bit on paranormal and science fiction so the exercise on talking in someone else’s feelings wasn’t very foreign.  I feel like I do that being a nurse anyway in a matter of speaking.  I have my own way of visualizing it.  I imagine pulling away the negative and eating it whole to take it away.  I found myself amazed that I could concentrate in it that long.  I will bring this into practice at work tonight.

2.What is the concept of "mental workout"? What does the research indicate are the proven benefits of a mental workout? How can you implement mental workouts to foster your psychological health?

Mental workouts can take many forms.  There are puzzles, computer workouts, and concentration exercises to name a few.  Whatever it is though, mental workouts are to keep are mind fresh and open.  According to Walter Perrig, (Professor at the University of Bern and conductor of a study in 2008,)the more you exercise the brain the stronger it becomes like in the case with sports and muscle growth.  So it stands to reason that the stronger your brain the more likely to become psychologically fit.

According to Dacher,  "Once we have achieved a healthy psychology, it is time to leave the psychological focus and begin to explore the deeper nature of the mind.  In this way, psychological development becomes a springboard for spiritual development."    Then we can move on to flourishing and loving kindness. 

Perrig, Walter,”Mental workout 'boosts the brain', as retrieved from: on 06/08/12

Dacher, E.S. (2006). Integral health: A path to human flourishing. Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications, Inc

Friday, June 1, 2012

goodness me it's unit 3

Welcome one and all,
I am so happy that graduation is over and I have one more child successfully out of highschool.  Maybe now I can concentrate a little better.  It has been crazy but now it is starting to settle down.
I have answered the questions for unit 3.

1.Based on your reflections, and on a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being optimal wellbeing), where do you rate your A-physical wellbeing, B-spiritual well-being, C-psychological well-being? Why?

Based on my reflection I would rate my physical wellbeing a 6 out of 10.  I do this because I have diabetes and high blood pressure.  They are very well controlled but I am still obese and have a tendency to eat for the sake of eating.  I would rate my spiritual wellbeing a 5 out of 10.  I do this because we are in between churches at the moment and I am not satisfied with where I am spiritually.  I do not believe there is a completely right religion.  I believe in God but I think man has skewed some of the writings to his favor at different points in history.  I also feel that I need to connect more with my inner self and find my center.  Find more of my inner peace.  This is related to my stress level.  I rate my psychological well-being at a 5 out of 10 at the moment related to stress with my ex-husband over my middle and oldest children.  I am trying to let things slide off my back but when it comes to my children I am very protective and things get to me more than they should.  If it were not for the graduation, I do not think I would be so wound tight.  My husband has been great and very supportive.

2.Develop a goal for yourself in each area (physical, spiritual, psychological).

Physical goal- My husband and I have decide to walk every day for 30 minutes then progress up to 1 hour daily to work off stress.  Spiritual goal- I am going to go to church (different ones weekly) until I find one I like and I am going to start doing Yoga again to find my center.  Psychological goal- I am going to working on breathing exercises to work through stress and anxiety.  Now that graduation is over I will have little to no contact with my ex-husband (hopefully).  I am hoping that this will be helpful.

3.What activities or exercise can you implement in your life to assist in moving toward each goal?

I am going to walk to help work off stress, breathing exercises to help anxiety and yoga to find my center.

4.Complete the relaxation exercise The Crime of the Century. To hear this exercise, click here. Describe your experience. (What it beneficial? Frustrating? etc.)  I fell asleep during the exercise.  I really tried to listen but got too relaxed and went to sleep.  That was frustrating in itself.  I think that yoga may be a better relaxation technique or walking for my ADD.
I hope you all have a great day,

Friday, May 25, 2012

relaxation is just a yard away

welcome one and all!  just after my last post I found that relaxation is in my backyard. check out this view.  I guess you really do not relaize what you have sometimes.  I am going to sit out here this evening t sunset with the fire pit and just "chilax" as my son puts it.  Tomorrow my husband and I will be packing up to go to Houston to see my middle son graduate from highschool.  Next week I will keep this picture in my head so when times are tense (ex husband) then I can picture this and take a deep breath.


Hello all!
After listening to the relaxation exercise on the unit 2 post I was really amazed at the difference in my attitude and bearing on life in general.  I was very tense and anxious over this blog thing and after listening to the lesson I was able to clearly focus and rid myself of anxiety.  I need to make this a daily habit like the chapter on the olympic mind suggested.  It is amazing what just a few minutes and the power of positive suggestion can do:D 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Nurses lend me your ears

I have strarted this blog in hopes that nurses all over can find a place to vent and learn to relax. A place to learn from each other about finding ways to relax and find that "Happy Place" - the intergral health place. My name is Tammy Trollope, RN.  I have 21 years of experience in nursing in various units but moslty acute care- ED.  I have lead a stressful life as a nurse and need help finding ways to lead a healthful and relaxed life, a bountiful life.  I am open to any suggestions that are legal, moral, and healthful.  I want to help other nurses achieve the same.  So nurses, lend me your ears and brains and let's help each other.